Special Assessment

This is a commission appointed by the Washburn City Commission to oversee the special assessment process. The Special Assessment Commission is made up of three members, as mandated by the North Dakota State Legislature; it operates under the provision of North Dakota Century Code 40-23.01.   Each appointment is a (6) year term and members must reside within the City of Washburn.

Its obligation is to assess, as fair and equally as possible, the costs of various improvement projects within a defined assessment area determined by the City Commission. In other words, the Special Assessment Commission proportions the cost of projects by determining the amount of benefit to each property in a given improvement district.

When a property owner files a protest over a new special assessment, the Special Assessment Commission reviews the project on location and reviews the benefit received by the property.  Commissioners then hold a hearing to allow residents of the improvement district a chance to voice their concerns about the amount of benefit assigned to their property. Corrections can be made if special assessment seems to be in error. If the hearing does not provide satisfactory solutions, the protests can be continued to the Washburn City Commission.

The commission meets on an as-needed basis. To learn the date of the next scheduled meeting, e-mail Chelsey Brandt at [email protected] or contact City Hall at (701) 462-8558.